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The Well Gathering In Stockholm

May this message find everyone well and peaceful in this moment. I hope with this new year we can all continue to find and embody further insight, understanding and peace to improve the quality of our lives and the lives of those around as we continue on through this amazing and mysterious human experience.

As March approaches, our scheduled month to start construction of water wells, we continue to share, celebrate and create together to raise as much funds an awareness as we can to help those that need us.

Back in November a most beautiful event called The Well Gathering was held in in Stockholm Sweden, organized by our family Joana Namaste and Linus Lundkvist . About 200 people gathered in Stockholm to share dance, music, meditation, live art and healing practice all in one magical evening to raise money to build wells. The event was a huge success and $2,757 was raised for the construction of wells, incredible and inspiring <3

Below are pictures of the event and we will update again soon on our upcoming trip in March 2017 to India to start construction :)


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