ॐ Yoga and Meditation Workshop in Hawaii ॐ
Dearest Family, Our Anahata Ma family and international yoga teachers Becca Ann and Rajanish Govind are sharing a by donation Yoga Class...

ॐ A Beautiful Story ॐ
Dearest family, There is a beautiful story to tell. After we finished building all rainwater harvesting tanks and water wells in mid...

Children Portrait Series: Finding Home
Dearest Family <3 We are still here in India and enjoying every beautiful insightful moment with the tribal families and children. We...

We are in India and The Work has Begun <3
Dear Family <3 It is with great excitement to announce that our project and dream is underway. Last week Linus, Joana, Lorrie and I (Ian)...

The Well Gathering In Stockholm
May this message find everyone well and peaceful in this moment. I hope with this new year we can all continue to find and embody further...

The Well Gathering in Stockholm Sweden
With immense gratitude we are excited to announce our collaboration with the Burning Man community in Stockholm Sweden lead by Linus...

Anahata Ma in Stockholm, Sweden
Anahata Ma family Linus Lundkvist and Joana Namaste are doing amazingly beautiful work in Stockholm. Last week Joana baked raw vegan...

Sadhana Retreat // Essaouira, Morocco
Namaste Beautiful Brothers and Sisters <3 We are excited and honored to announce Sadhana Retreat which will take place in the home of a...

A Beautiful Berlin Metta Sadhana
Last Saturday we held another Metta Sadhana workshop in Berlin and it was a most peaceful and beautiful success. 14 Berlin yogis...

Metta Sadhana Berlin // Saturday September 10th
Dearest Berlin brothers and sisters, After an epic journey to Boom festival in Portugal I'm back in Berlin and will host my last Metta...